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Expectations Of Costs

Costs will vary from year to year but this is a rough guide to possible expenses

Return flight from UK to SA - between £450 and £700 depending on how soon you book

Accommodation costs to host family
2 weeks - R1000 (£100)
4 weeks - R1200 (£120)
2 months - R 2000 (£200)

All activities are optional but help volunteers to experience much of the real Africa

Cultural evening - R650 (£65) per group + R60 (£60) per person for food

Kruger Park - R120 (£120) entrance fee per day + accommodation of approx R100 (£10) per night

Visit to local potteries and crafters - R150 (£15)

Visit to Lake Fundudzi and Holy Forest - R150 (£15)

If a large number of volunteers - cost of hire car
We already have a small car for small groups
Petrol for recreational activities approx R500 (£50) for a month for a group of 4

A return trip to Jo'burg costs R600 (£60) divided between the number of travellers

A Translux bus to Jo'burg costs R150 (£15) per person and R200 (£20) to airport from bus station

Registered Charity Number 1101770
Created by Simon Jarvis